
Austria based dancer, choreographer and artist, Lisa Mc Guire, is very much interested in the process of swarm intelligence, of which emergent expression in dance is an example. Through different multidisciplinary projects, she tries to redefine, for herself, the borders of space and time. She focusses mostly on dance and performance arts.
Through the many projects and working with diffeverse groups of people, she developed a method to embed all participants in a choreography on open levels. By considering a group as an organism moving through space, the dance comes to the fore and the rhythm emerges from within. Due to reduced chains of rules, each individual is not tied to time and is free in his or her rule execution - at the same time, a clear structure/choreography is created when viewed from the outside. Through personal responsibility and spontaneity, each participant remains focused on their body and thus stabilizes the clarity of movement. Like a swarm of birds or insects, a group of dancing people can move together and organically through space and time.
Can swarm intelligence emerge through dance?

2024 +
Stadtturm residency Schwanenstadt
BAfEP Hartberg Schwanberg
Sportcamp Salcher Izola/Slowenien
Poetry Slam Slam Kollektiv Graz
das farbenblinde Chamäleon accomplices Graz
2023 +
der Nussknacker Linz
Wenn der Kern in der Traube tanzt. Graz
das farbenblinde Chamäleon accomplices Graz/Wien
Lange Nacht Tanz und Theater Ensemble Reflexion K Eckernförde
Choreographic Coding Lab rotkäppchen Köln
BAfEP Hartberg Schwanberg
Sportcamp Salcher Izola/Slowenien
"30" Böse Kunst Graz
KJ Radegund
Provinzlärm Eckerförde/Germany
tanz:digital Berlin
rotkäppchen 6.Internationales Symposiom Festspielhaus St. Pölten
2022 +
Kunsthaus Graz
"floating pointers" rotkäppchen "Sweet Spot"/Salzburg
rotkäppchen XOR Space
Tag der Migrant:innenvereine
Grasshoppers Promenadenkonzerte
...wie es weiter geht! BAfEP Hartberg
Seifenfabrik Graz
a letter to Humboldt rotkäppchen DACA
U92 rotkäppchen Wien
U92 rotkäppchen Graz
2021 +
U92 rotkäppchen Wien
U92 rotkäppchen Graz
Portobella Workshop Graz
Stubensturz Plauder, Simanli Austropom
a letter to Humboldt rotkäppchen TIK
Licht ins Dunkle Graz
Online Workout Graz
Alisa Kobzar Mumuth Graz
2020 +
a letter to Humboldt rotkäppchen Audio mostly
rotkäppchen Kunsthaus Graz
La Strada Graz
Online"stay fit" Omega Graz
rotkäppchen CUBE Graz
rotkäppchen CUBE Graz
Walken Omega Graz Graz
Gymnastik Omega Graz Graz
invisible drives WIP Alisa Kobzar Linz/Graz
Grow rotkäppchen ÖH-concert
Reis Pamina Plauder Graz
Open Dance Omega Graz Graz
Gymnastik Omega Graz Graz
2019 +
Klavier+Gyrokinesis Alisa Kobzar Theater am Lend
a letter to Humboldt rotkäppchen Pointlessness
Crossproduct rotkäppchen Graz
Sommeraktiv VHS Wundschuh
Grow rotkäppchen CUBE Graz
Open Dance Omega Graz Graz
Workout Omega Graz Graz
2018 +
Kürbis Praline Visit Graz Steiermark
Workshop TU Graz Graz
Gymnastik Omega Graz Graz
Open Dance Atelier 12 Graz
plie on tracks Pamina Plauder Graz
2017 +
Beweg(ungs)gründe Jugend am Werk Deutschlandsberg
Tanzperformance STIO Stockwerk Graz
Tanzimprovisation Monika Schabus Graz
Kinderturnen ATG Graz
Workshop ATG- Rhythmische Gymnastinnen Graz
Kindertanz Tanzschule Nicoletti Graz
2016 +
Kindertanz Tanzschule Nicoletti Graz
Kinderturnen ATG Graz
Terra Incognita Tanzperformance Botanischer Garten Graz
Tanz+ Gymnastik Omega Graz Hartboden
Mini-Oper für Kinder Int.Bühnenwerkstatt Graz
2015 +
kreativer Kindertanz VHS Mistelbach
2005 +
Vernissage Anthea Fraueneder Wolkersdorf


If you are interested in working together:
Lisa Mc Guire
+43 660 63 62 002